Thursday, October 10, 2013

Abstract for

What is Ignite Dallas?
Five minutes, 20 slides. What would you say? At Ignite Dallas, 16 artists, technologists, thinkers, and personalities will take the stage to answer this challenge.

The Goal
To spark new conversations and collaborations across cultures and disciplines throughout the city of Dallas with fast-paced, bite-sized presentations. It’s a great opportunity to meet smart, interesting people (if we do say so ourselves) and maybe even learn something.

What I submitted:

Overcoming the Electronics Dark-Ages: The call for Engineering Education—for everyone.
“I can’t/shouldn't need to understand that,” are phrases we hear about electronics education. I challenge that. You should be able to understand. After all,  we've seen this trend in history before. In the Middle Ages, people didn't understand how germs and bacteria worked—and doctors were regarded as “Wizards” or Agents of God. There are countless examples in our history that shows how democratizing knowledge has grossly improved our society.
 Technology dominates our lives, in our homes, cars and work. Many of these technologies are so ingrained in our every-day life that we take them for granted. We’re addicted to technology, but… how many of us know where these devices come from, how they were made… and what the implications are? I’m advocating for an informed population to take the mystery and magic out of the Technology we depend on. There’s no need for an Engineering Degree-cover-charge to be able to understand the origins of things that are and will change our lives. My talk walks through a few things we can do today to help bring us out of the dark-ages and into the technology enlightenment. 

*fingers crossed* I hope I get accepted. 

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